
So this is my first attempt at a blog post, I figured it was about time I got one of these going. My first novel The Siren’s Son is going to be published later this year in April and I am beyond excited. I’m working with a fantastic cover designer and can’t wait to see what she comes up with.

So far it has been exciting, crazy, and a little stressful. Right now I’m trying to silence my self-doubt and go a little crazy so I actually hit the publish now button. I can’t silence the questions that are running through my head. Will people hate it? Love it? Will anyone even buy it at all?

I can’t wait to see what people thing!

Right now I’m finishing up The Siren’s Eyes (Book 2 in The Siren’s Legacy Series). I hope to have it released in June, and I’m excited to see what people think of Thaddeus and Cin.

I would love it if you would consider signing up for my newsletter. I promise not to spam you, I’m only sending out new release, sale, and giveaway info. There should be a signup box on the left side of the page.

Have a happy and fulfilling new year!