
I know it’s not my usual freebie Friday post, but I wanted to wish a special happy book birthday to The Oracle! This is the book that started it all for me. I am a vivid dreamer, and Acacia and Orestes first introduced themselves to me in a dream. It sounds silly, I know, but I knew from there that the Siren Legacy series would begin to take shape in my mind, and have been writing down the brother’s adventures ever since. I hope you enjoy reading about my version of the Oracle of Delphi and get a little insight into the brother’s background. Happy reading!


Acacia is the Oracle of Delphi. She should be revered, protected, maybe even worshiped, but instead, she is held captive by Apollo’s priests and forced to breathe fumes that induce her naturally occurring visions. When a warlord comes to her for counsel, freedom seems to be within her grasp, provided she can convince him release her and risk the wrath of the gods.